Bio hacking

Bio hacking may sound a little crazy but is quite the opposite.

Bio hacking has become an umbrella term for all kinds of interventions in biochemistry to improve health and indeed performance, Biohackers are anyone with a systems-thinking approach to bettering their own biology.

Basically by maximising the potential of upgrading your mind and body you can become the absolute best version of you.

Bio hackers are in tune with what we consume, view and listen to and how this has a huge impact on how we feel,perform ,think and behave.

Their focus is on how to improve:

Mental clarity

Increase Energy


Better memory for optimal performance in business and athletics

A longer healthier life

Why increasing your Oxygen in take is good for you?

As we all know, oxygen is vital for life, and life cannot exist without it. It follows that oxygen is essential for effective healing and recovery. During HBOT, you enter a state-of- the-art chamber where you breathe pure oxygen at increased atmospheric pressure. These conditions enable 10-15 times more oxygen to be taken in by your lungs and dissolved into your blood.

A good analogy is this: if you try to dissolve a teaspoon of sugar in a cold glass of water, it will only partly dissolve. Warm up the water and all the sugar will dissolve. This is what happens to oxygen under pressure. The extra oxygen in your body will boost your energy, fitness and general well being and enhance your body’s ability to heal itself.

General guidance, especially on protocols and the likelihood of benefit, is obtained from the coordinator of the Oxygen Helpline Petra Kliempt BSc MPH PhD, who is the Hon. Specialist Trainer in Hyperbaric Medicine to the NHS in Scotland.  The Oxygen Helpline and MS National Therapy Centres are also assisted by the Hon. Medical Adviser Emeritus Professor Philip B.James

“Giving more Oxygen is not alternative medicine it is sound science and common sense”

“There Is No Substitute for Oxygen”

Emeritus Professor Philip B.James MB chB Phd DIH FFOM

Our centre operates a self-referral process.

It is always recommended that clients visit their GP or Consultant before commencing HBOT.There is no intention implied or otherwise that HBOT is given so with the intention of it being a cure diagnosis or as a preventative for any disease.  Any references, studies or testimonials on our website, or in our literature does not imply that similar results will occur when the same therapy is experienced by another

Our centre operates a self-referral process.

It is always recommended that clients visit their GP or Consultant before commencing HBOT.

There is no intention implied or otherwise that HBOT is given so with the intention of it being a cure diagnosis or as a preventative for any disease.  Any references, studies or testimonials on our website, or in our literature does not imply that similar results will occur when the same therapy is experienced by another.